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How It Works

Parking and Transit Plans for Restaurant and Hospitality Employers!

Create the right plan for your business:

• Qualified Transportation Program (QTP)
• Qualified Parking Program (QPP)
• Commuter Reimbursement Plan (CRP)

Hero automates the steps from start to finish:

• Simple to connect your payroll system
• Hero notifies employees to enroll in English & Spanish
• Compliant with local and state Commuter Ordinances

No out-of-pocket cost for your business!

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Commuter Ordinance compliance in a couple of clicks.

Hero's plans are free and compliant with local and state ordinances in:

• Illinois
• New Jersey
• Washington DC
• San Francisco Bay Area
• New York City
• Seattle
• Los Angeles
• Seattle

Setup takes 15 minutes on your own or one phone call with us!

[Hero] connects to the payrolls of participating employers in a process that takes less than 15 minutes

"[Hero] connects to the payrolls of participating employers in a process that takes less than 15 minutes"

Great teams depend on Hero for Parking and Transit Plans

Great teams depend on Hero for Parking and Transit Plans

Hero Connects to major Payroll Platforms...

...plus more than 20 others.

Hero Connects to major Payroll Platforms...

...plus more than 20 others.

How Hero works:

Set up plans and accounts in Hero.

Connect Hero to your payroll.

Employees get welcome emails.

Employees get a limited debit card to spend plan funds.

Instant Compliance and Employee Engagement!

How Hero works.

Set up plans and employer accounts in Hero

Connect Hero to your payroll provider. We'll get employee contact info automatically.

Employees get welcome emails in English and Spanish.

Employees get limited debit cards to spend plan funds on eligible expenses.

Instant Compliance and Employee Engagement!

Simple signup for hourly workers.
Hero is built for hospitality employees.

2 minute signup.
Employees sign up on their phone with an email or QR code.

Se habla español.
Hero is bilingual, just like your staff.

No Saving Receipts or Filing Claims.
Employees get a spending card with your business' qualified plan funds, not personal their personal money.

Simple signup for staff.
Hero is built with hospitality in mind

2 minute signup.
Employees sign up on their phone,
from an email or QR code.

Se habla español.
Hero is bilingual, just like your staff.

No Saving Receipts or Filing claims.
Employees get a spending card with your business' qualified plan funds, not personal their personal money.

Common questions.

Are Employees spending their own money?

Employees spend your company's funds through your Qualified Plan, up to the plan limit per month, on eligible parking and transit expenses.

Spending cards have built in limits so employees can't spend more or on anything else.

Your business gets a small tax savings to cover the costs of offering qualified transit and parking plans. Hero takes this savings as our only fee.

You're always compliant and never out-of-pocket.

What makes Hero different?

Hero is built for hospitality workers and their busy HR teams. We know you don't have time to corral all your employees across shifts and locations.

Employees enroll digitally and get a card to spend on, for free. Hero manages the program from enrollment to substantiating expenses and processing claims, automatically.

What about a traditional plan provider?

Legacy providers focus on office workers who are sitting in front of screens and can gather in conference rooms to learn more.

Legacy providers also make you responsible for enrollment and employees' questions.

Your employees are tipped-wage workers, shift workers, workers with varying hours, and workers living paycheck-to-paycheck. They are in front of your customers and not in front of screens.

Where are these plans required?

Cities and states across the country are mandating qualified parking and transit plans.

Inflation is causing the cost to ride transit and pay to park to rise. The cost of downtown parking is rising all over America.

Local transit systems have lost office worker riders and these plans encourage location-based, non-virtual workers to ride to work and make up for those shortfalls.

Washington DC, San Francisco Bay Area, New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Philadelphia, and in 2024 Illinois all have mandates.

Several more states are considering passing a mandate in their upcoming legislative sessions.

Safety comes standard.

Common questions.

What's the catch?

No catch. Your business gets a small incentive from the government to cover the costs of offering qualified parking and transit plan.

Hero takes only this incentive as our fee. You're always compliant and never out-of-pocket.

What makes Hero different?

Hero is built for frontline hospitality workers and their busy HR teams. We know you don't have time to corral all your employees across shifts and all your locations

Employees enroll digitally and get a card to spend on, for free. Hero manages the program from enrollment to substantiating expenses and processing claims, automatically.

What about a traditional provider?

Legacy provides focus on office workers who are sitting in front of screens and can gather in conference rooms to learn more.

Legacy providers also make you responsible for enrollment and employees' questions.

Your employees are tipped-wage workers, shift workers, workers with varying hours, and workers living paycheck-to-paycheck. They are in front of your customers and not in front of screens.

Where are these plans required?

Cities and states across the country are mandating qualified parking and transit plans.

Inflation is causing the cost to ride transit and pay to park to rise. The cost of downtown parking is rising all over America.

Local transit systems have lost office worker riders and these plans encourage location-based, non-virtual workers to ride to work and make up for those shortfalls.

Washington DC, San Francisco Bay Area, New York City, Seattle, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Philadelphia, and in 2024 Illinois all have mandates.

Several more states are considering passing a mandate in their upcoming legislative sessions.

Get Started